Category Archives: Brain droppings

8300 words into the next chapter.

I don’t know if I’ll finish up tonight or not… if not I’ll do so when I go on vacation Wednesday.

Editing Gang: I’ll probably throw something up anyway tonight, at least for a first pass on what’s already written. I may go ahead and push the current OSABC chapter out as well and get the next one ready for edits.


Off to eat lunch.

The Cerberus Manifesto and updates


I worked with Aberron (who writes my favorite fic about a time-reskipped Illusive Man) to create the nominal document that gets tossed around so much. Why Bioware didn’t actually write it up I don’t know, but I hope our version does justice to the concept.

I’ll be off starting October 12, and doing a lot of work on TWCD to get the next chapter or two out. I’m sorry for the delays, but there have been a lot of stupid happenings going on in my life, on top of the whole iPhone 7 mess and now exploding Note 7’s that have to be replaced, so work is hectic.

I’ve finalized the first slate of images I want done: Ahern, von Grath, Dragunov, Tetrimus, and Delacor. I’ll probably move on those before the end of the month.

Current Progress, Ranting, Whatever

I haven’t been on much, because work went insane with the full launch of the iPhone 7 and the problems with the Samsung with exploding batteries. Things are finally starting to calm down now so I may get some writing done.

I have a bit done on the next chapter. I know everyone is eager for me to get to Ilium to start the Angstrofuck of Doom(tm) but as usual I’m intending to have all the pieces moved into the correct place first.  I have several outlines of how to proceed that range from Crazy Awesome to the deaths of several main characters (and needing to redo / re-plan some later stuff to adapt to said deaths).

Currently the only people — the ONLY people — with absolute plot armor that are guaranteed to SEE ME3 are Shep, Liara, Garrus, Tel, Ahern, Grunt, and Anderson. Everyone else is (at least theoretically) on the chopping block.

Only Liara and Shep have plot armor to see ME4. (Well, and Vigil, but he’s a troll so fuck him.)

I also have a chapter of Lions about ready to go, although I’ll probably rewrite it. We’re coming to the end of the first Arc — once its’ done, we get to the second arc where Dalthos Fortress occurs. Not sure how long that will take as there’s a lot of things to go over.

The Kai Leng / Kahlee Sanders drama-trauma and what happens to Rachel comes after that part.

Finally, Aberron (the guy who writes Living an Indoctrinated Dream) and I have been working to write up the actual text of the Cerberus Manifesto, which I plan to put out sometime this week if you’re interested.

In other news, as soon as one of my artists gets back to me, I’m going to start having some of the OC’s drawn up.

Next chapter coming along… slowly

I’m about 4500 words into the next chapter. I’m hoping to have something ready to go by the weekend, but I wouldn’t say its impossible that I won’t get anything serious done until Labor Day in the US (September 5)

Work has been beyond insane, with several days where I’ve had to work from 4 AM to 7 PM the next day. I won’t get into why, but this has obviously disrupted my sleep schedule, and with other things going on has cut down on my writing time.

I have gotten estimates from several artists on the next phase of artwork and am in the process of determining what to go with based on Patreon feedback. Ideas to that effect are also welcome here.

Progress (or rather lack thereof)

I’ve done about five thousand words on the next chapter without an outline, as the outlines keep not meeting what I need to write with.

Things are going slowly since I’ve got relatives staying with me and work is sort of getting hectic. On the plus side, I have (finally) gotten the research stuff  I need for drell, the engineering guide and maybe another add on to No Single Raindrop.

It is very likely (but not 100%) that something will come out in August, probably at least two STG files (one of them on Tetrimus) and maybe — no promises — another chapter of Lions.

The OSABC rewrites are going very well thanks to the Second Editing Gang. although re-reading it has opened my eyes to just how shit it really was. 🙁



Fixit Gang Preparations

Thank you for those who have volunteered to help rewrite/fix/unfuck OSABC.

I’m interested in people’s thoughts about how this should happen:

  1. I can put out a chapter at the beginning of a week (Monday) and pick it up Saturday or Sunday, which allows people to choose their own time to edit or
  2. I can put it out on a Saturday morning and have an official ‘edit block’ of time for publication on Monday, which allows for more interaction with editors.

Which would be more convenient?

In TWCD news, no, haven’t started the next chapter yet. Links for the outline will go up on the Patreon page when done. There is another Patreon Status report up there  as well.

Major thanks and appreciation to the Editing Gang.

The Editing Gang is a group of unrewarded, unpaid volunteer editors who take each chapter of crap I write and massage it using magic and a proper command of punctuation, spelling and grammar into a product people can read without being distracted by broken sentences and errors.

The last chapter started life as an 8,000 word piece of shit not fit to display alongside SI Wrex/Tali lemonfics. Through days of their hard work it has been transformed into a nineteen thousand word masterpiece.

Half of the credit for the improvements you see in ATTWN and most of the credit for improvements in TWCD over the first book should go to them, not me.

The chapter will come out soon — I want all hands to have a chance to go over it and provide feedback. I’ll need a couple of days before I get cracking on the outline of the next one, and then we’ll see how quick I can crank out transition chapters until we get to Ilium.

Again, Editing Gang — thank you sincerely.


New Chapter is with the Editing Gang, and news about revamping OSABC

Right now the next chapter of That Which Cannot Die is still under heavy construction. The current layout is more of a framework, another five or six thousand words are left to deal with and the bulk of the editing team is still hard at work. (So am I, adding stuff based on suggestions). I do not think it will come out today (June 30) , more likely this weekend.

In other news:

I am planning to finally get around to slowly rewriting OSABC with the help of slave labor another Editing Gang.  It will be in Google Doc format, and posted one chapter at a time. The goal of the remastering of OSABC is threefold:

  1. Fix up stupid typos, issues where I accidentally left out a word, and various minor fixes (Helen instead of Karin for Chakwas first name,  explaining why Jiong isn’t spelled like Jeong, so on and so forth.)
  2. Fix up retcon issues and continuity issues.
  3. Clear up and polish the work — make some things less angsty, or at least provide additional exposition.

As OSABC is already massive, this will probably expand it by another twenty to thirty thousand words.  We’ll probably do one or two chapters a week — maybe more if people are interested.

If you would like to help these are the requirements:

  • Functional brain
  • Fingers
  • Ability to access Google Docs
  • Patience
  • Pictures of kittens

If you have all of these, either comment here or email me at if you would like to participate.