The Omega Chapter Part One is now with the Editing Gang

In which people are blowed the fuck up and Garrus briefly channels Judge Dredd.

Hopefully (unless the Gang says it sucks and needs  complete rewrite) this one will go up later on today on FF.Net.


This is the sound of “FUCK YES.”

Next Chapter up on


I don’t know how much I can write this weekend, depends on nerve and back pain. I am glad it decided to at least hold off messing up too badly during the holidays, so I got to enjoy them….have to see what happens.

If things go well (i.e., back cooperates) I can try to write up the next chapter and have it done by Sunday for the Editing Gang to make fun of. If not, I will try to turn their latest crazy into another chapter of the crackfic.

Some vacation

I’ve mostly recovered but there’s still lingering issues. I’m taking this Friday and next Monday off, though, so I think I can pull my crap together long enough to get at least one chapter out the door and straighten up some notes I had on Lions…assuming no problems pop up.

Thank you all for reviews and PMs wishing me better health. And please remember to leave reviews for Aberron’s and RED78910’s works as well as mine 😀


Back Progress and Book Progress

Warning: I have been mixing Sabaton, Two Steps from Hell and Dragonforce into something I call “Through the Fire and Flames of Primo Victoria with the Strength of a Thousand Men” for the fights on Omega. 

My back is still not fully recovered, but I am seeing the chiropractor twice this week, and I am doing somewhat better (nerve pain is more annoying than “OMG lay down can’t move back”).

I will make a stab at the next chapter this week, but for the most part when I get done with work I end up icing my back and laying down. This has at least given me some time to plan out the next steps.

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