Category Archives: FanFic Maintenance

Request : Readers in Ukraine and Russian Federation

In the past forty eight hours I have had a staggering four thousand DDOS and SQL injection attack attempts on this site from IPs resolving to the Ukraine and the Russian Federation, specifically wide attack ranges in Kiev, Moscow and Donetska (?)

If any of the readers of this site are from the above countries, please reply here or (if you are not a registered reader) reply to I need to see how many of my legit readers are from the affected sites before I decide how to deal with this mess.



As a note, I am not anywhere near Hurricane Harvey.

My back is… improving, finally, after long adjustments and an unbelievably uncomfortable laparoscopic procedure to literally carve out a piece of disc material.

The good news is the supplements are working, as the microfactures in L4 and L5 have healed up (due to being fucking immobile). L2 is still… shaky, but I can deal with that later. The upshot is that I am not stuck in backbraces and traction all the time now and can (hopefully) get both work done and some stuff done on the fiction.

The bad news is that (given it’s already the 27th) it’s extremely unlikely TWCD will be updated before the end of the month. That being said, I will hopefully be able to write some next week, clean up some OSABC chapters and dump out an update to Liara’s piece and Ahern’s stuff.

I’m going to be having a couple of more art pieces done, although no good timeline on when that will happen.

I am appreciative of all the comments, IMs, emails and texts people have sent me. Thank you for your support. 🙂


July Update

I’ll be brief:

  • My back has not improved, and due to some complications, surgery is … risky. I will need to wait until my vertebrae heal to have that done.
  • Until I have the surgery back pain will get worse along with possible nerve damage
  • Finances are not good enough to risk taking long leave periods and work is … unstable.

As a result, it is very unlikely that the next chapter of TWCD will be out before August. I’m sorry to have to put things off at a cliff-hanger, but that’s the facts.

The fic is on hold, not dead. Even in the extremely unlikely event that I cannot finish it I would find a writer to continue it and provide ideas and support.

(Liethr: Medical details are in the chat, Cat can tell you, I’d appreciate your opinion. )

Progress on next chapter

It’s about 10k words so far, and progress, while a bit slow, is a lot faster than on the previous chapter.

My back is not being cooperative, but I am working steadily towards getting this chapter out as soon as I can.  So far, so good.

Finally a new chapter

(Editing Gang Ninja Edit: this stupid bastard sat on his ass drunk for months without writing until we went to his house and beat the update out of him. Don’t listen to his lies.)

The next chapter of That Which Cannot Die is (finally) here, after long months of arduous research, heavy study, and combat against shadowy unnamed forces.


The machinery creaks slowly once more…

Things have finally calmed down.

I’m back in an office again instead of living out of a box in a meeting room. The chaos at work has died down (after reaching clownshow proportions) and volume is down since this is not a time of the year people buy a lot of phones.

Medical situations of myself and my mom have stabilized, although finances aren’t so hot anymore. Meh.

I just put up remastered chapters for OSABC 24 and 25 (thanks to the Editing Gang) and they are working on 26 and 27 right now. If you haven’t reread OSABC you might want to give it a whirl, as the first 25 chapters have been overhauled quite a bit.

I’ve also gotten 4.4k words done and vetted in TWCD, and I am writing it slowly and having the editing gang fix as I go. It should be hilarious educational for them to see how badly I fuck up when I write the writing process I use is implemented.

Pause for sustained, hollow laughter

I have bits of a Cerberus file update on the Batarians and the Drell (finally). Co-author Jacob has a new and truly fucked up opposing forces document on the batarian SIU while I’m working on doing one for the salarian League of Zero. (No Jacob, you cannot write that one.)

I may or may not have a possible Tech Guide update out this month. All in all, I plan to at LEAST get the next damned chapter of TWCD out, so people don’t think this is abandoned.

Vacation, and ramblings.

So, I’m now on vacation.

Given that even after crashing most of this weekend that I’m still in a five or six hour sleep deficit, that my blood pressure and blood sugar are up and I’m tired all the time, I don’t expect to get a lot done in the week I’m off.

That being said, I’m certainly going to take a stab at getting something done, if only to reassure people that things haven’t stopped. While the next chapter is outlined fully, writing it up is somewhat of a challenge due to the way I’ve structured things.

I’m not 100% sure what the timeline will be for additional stuff. Once I get past the big mess at Ilium it will be easier to write the intervening chapters, but there’s some very ugly consequences for the changes I’ve made to canon and I have to figure out how to write stuff in about them now, not later. We’ve all seen in ME3 how a failure to lay groundwork blows up on you.

I’ve spent some time playing ME:A and had several people ask me if I’d be writing anything about it. So far, I’m very pleased with the much more realistic tone, the mystery of the setting, the focus on exploration, and what not. The aliens are also far more … believable than previous efforts. That being said, anything I would do along those lines would be even more out of phase with canon than OSABC, and frankly the Scourge looks like out of control Godpower, so…

We’ll have to see.

I’d like to reiterate a call for artists — even if you are not one yourself, if you personally know one who is active on DeviantArt or has a public display of their works for view, i would be interested. Please note that due to some issues I’ve had with previous artists, I would prefer they have a public showing of their work on a widely trafficked site.