Busy at work & other stuff

I haven’t been around much (or gotten any work done on the next chapter) due to some busy stuff going on at work due to the re-org — moving offices, changing certain work schedules and on-call schedules, and longer hours.

I’m typically a ‘my company right or wrong’ kind of guy, and I’m certainly not complaining per se — but it does cut into the whole ‘time off’ thing. IT and CS should calm down next week so I hope to kick off Arc II of Lions and the backdraft explosion of the Angstrofuck of Doom by next weekend, with (hopefully) a new Lions chapter out by the end of the month at the latest.

I did (finally) get a pair of books and a set of microfilms I have been waiting on to do some more work on the tech guide and the batarians, but those are pretty low priority.