THAT sword

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  • Author
    • #570

      I’m the only that thinks that, while the sword is really fucking awesome like batman riding a mecha t-rex that has a laser mini gun mounted on (that happened) doesn’t make any in the category of “safe to use”

    • #571
      Logical Premise

      Reaper hull material in and of itself is safe, especially after being passed through a gravitic plasma forge.

      That being said, it reacts … somewhat weirdly to certain things, and it isn’t safe to use in a sense that if a normal warp sword is damaged and blows up it would make a pretty big bang, and this monster has six times as much eezo inside it.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

    • #699

      So if it was damaged and blew up, the result would be pretty much a nuke.

    • #700
      Logical Premise

      Let’s put it like this.

      I’ve made changes to how ships use eezo, but a cruiser needs about ten pounds of eezo to operate its core for a six month deployment.

      There are fifteen pounds of eezo in that sword. A standard warp sword has two pounds.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

    • #701

      a cruiser needs about ten pounds of eezo to operate its core for a six month deployment.

      There are fifteen pounds of eezo in that sword.

      Yeah, a core detonation is a bit heftier than a nuke.

      But hey! You could sneak it on to a Reaper and detonate it in there to destroy the Reaper!

      Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.

    • #704
      Logical Premise

      This is a tactic the Thirty eventually use on Thessia. Even a conventional warp sword going off is basically like a CAIN detonation.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

      • #1115

        Wait, so does that mean if you throw one at a planet from space it qualifies as nuking the site from orbit? Cause you know that shit’s the only way to be sure. šŸ˜€

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