Interrogative Verification 13

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    • #1848

      1. Hijabs

      Are hijabs still a thing in the current human society given the diminished influence of Islam? Are female Muslims still obligated to wear them nowadays or it’s just optional? Assuming that some Asari has Arabian mates, would they be subjected to this despite not being Human?

      2. Arcology construction

      In terms of materials and time, how much investment would be necessary for the construction of arcologies (both types)? Additionally, have the SA considered constructing them on other planets?

      3. VI-AI Difference

      Fundamentally, what differentiates a Virtual Intelligence from an Artificial Intelligence in terms of capabilities? This is a question I’ve been banging my head with since, in my viewpoint, the lines between both are very blurred.

      4. Geth evolution

      The Geth started out as a network of VIs right? How did they evolve into actual AIs. I’m interested in the way a VI becoming an AI.

      5. Technological Justifications

      The Cortical Stack from the Altered Carbon TV Series.

      Xabiar’s XCOM trilogy must have more reviews.
      Send one now and get a complete set of XCOM action figures for free ^_^

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Daniel.


    • #1850
      Logical Premise

      1. Hijabs

      Are hijabs still a thing in the current human society given the diminished influence of Islam? Are female Muslims still obligated to wear them nowadays or it’s just optional? Assuming that some Asari has Arabian mates, would they be subjected to this despite not being Human?

      First of all, I’d like to correct a misunderstanding.

      Hijabs are *not* required by Islam. In the Qur’an, the term hijab refers to curtains separating visitors to Muhammad’s house from his wives’ lodgings. The fact that lunatic shitposting in the hadith has made this a thing has fuckall to do with it, much like terrorism, they are constructs of apostates raping the intent of the Qur’an.

      Given how post-Wahahbi-Knehi scripture in the SA reads, no, hijabs are not a thing at all.

      2. Arcology construction

      In terms of materials and time, how much investment would be necessary for the construction of arcologies (both types)? Additionally, have the SA considered constructing them on other planets?

      Billions of credits and lots of time. They tried building an arcology on Therum due to the atmosphere but that failed for multiple reasons. There is a pair of arcologies on Terra Nova and one on Bekenstein, but for the most part the focus is only on Earth arcologies due to both the maintenance cost and the service requirements.

      3. VI-AI Difference

      Fundamentally, what differentiates a Virtual Intelligence from an Artificial Intelligence in terms of capabilities? This is a question I’ve been banging my head with since, in my viewpoint, the lines between both are very blurred.

      I actually plan to write this up in the next Tech Guide segment, as the answer is too long to toss off in a forum post.

      The short version is that a VI has no ability to operate without input, or of its own volition. An AI does.

      4. Geth evolution

      The Geth started out as a network of VIs right? How did they evolve into actual AIs. I’m interested in the way a VI becoming an AI.

      To be fair, what the geth are now is not AI or VI, but DSNI (distributed sentient network intelligence). Again, I will be covering this in the tech guide.

      However, a VI does not and can not just ‘become’ a VI. It is as ridiculous a concept as a bicycle turning into a Formula One car. One could, I suppose, modify a VI into an AI, but in the process there’s nothing left of the VI really, so what’s the point?

      5. Technological Justifications

      The Cortical Stack from the Altered Carbon TV Series.

      Daniel, I’ve pointed out multiple times I don’t give a flying fuck about what someone else has come up with. I’m not sure why you keep posting this, but please stop.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

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