Interrogative Verification 10: Brazilian edition

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    • #1733

      1. DOI Brazilians

      How were the Brazilians treated during the Days of Iron, after the death of Ardiente and the conquest of the Iron Guard? Drawing comparisons, I can only imagine something similar to a post-war Germany.

      2. Brazilian resistance

      During Ardiente’s reign, was there any resistance movement within Brazil at his time? Much like in Germany with the White Rose, or even a group of officers plotting an operation analogous to ‘Operation Valkyrie’?

      3. Oro

      What description can you give about this planet? Does it have any purpose other than an allocation for Brazilian trash? Who governs the planet and how? All I can expect would be a poor infrastructural development since no one would bother at the plight of Brazilians.

      4. Brazilians and the Military

      Despite the stigma associated with their people, can Brazilians still enter the Military albeit under heavy scrutiny and discrimination by their peers? Gender-wise, how difficult would it be for them in terms of treatment?

      5. Estêvão Volinski

      What can you tell me about this guy? I’m not sure if he’s even a ‘canonical’ character in PV since I’ve never encountered him in the main work and docus.

      From what SLOTH4 wrote, it’s said that he squared off with Batarians (ie. SIU) and has been tremendously traumatised for it. It’s also implied that he’s a bastard child from a minor nobility. I’m scratching my head on this: Why would some nobleman have a fling with some Brazilian when such thing might cause a scandal for the family, that could result to the loss of their noble title?

      So… Why?

      6. Victor Manswell and Brazilians.

      Why did Victor M. choose the Brazilians instead to become a scapegoat for his grand plan to take over the world. Why not settle on the Islamic extremists that were rampant in that time instead?

      7. The Final Solution to the Brazilian Question.

      Something that’s been bugging me, how come the Manswells, and perhaps even the Nobility, didn’t bother to enact the extermination of Brazilians from the face of the Earth? I mean, what’s the point of letting people no one gives any damn about, continue existing only for the purpose of torment. It seemed… sort of counterproductive to me if you ask.


    • #1734
      Logical Premise

      1. DOI Brazilians

      How were the Brazilians treated during the Days of Iron, after the death of Ardiente and the conquest of the Iron Guard? Drawing comparisons, I can only imagine something similar to a post-war Germany.

      Their country was demilitarized. Almost the entire military was executed, as were most government officials, most corporate leaders, and most of the Catholic priests in the country.

      Keep in mind that Brazil was a burning wreck in 2062, and it wasn’t until a decade later that Manswell had ANY forces in partial control of the Earth, and 2095 until the decision to obliterate Brazil was finally done.

      Why the delay? Brazil was mostly a country of the dead by that point. NO efforts were made by any country to provide relief to Brazil, and no arcologies were built. The people were mostly all dead by 2080.

      2. Brazilian resistance

      During Ardiente’s reign, was there any resistance movement within Brazil at his time? Much like in Germany with the White Rose, or even a group of officers plotting an operation analogous to ‘Operation Valkyrie’?

      No. There was no resistance. Unlike Hitler, Ardiente spent over twenty YEARS slowly indoctrinating an entire nation in every fashion, INCLUDING the church.

      A few far-seeing individuals left Brazil before the mess started, and those quickly made steps to prevent their true heritage from being known.

      3. Oro

      What description can you give about this planet? Does it have any purpose other than an allocation for Brazilian trash? Who governs the planet and how? All I can expect would be a poor infrastructural development since no one would bother at the plight of Brazilians.

      It’s a hellhole, a penal world where the worst irredemiable criminals are dumped, where outspoken critics are tossed on trumped up charges.

      4. Brazilians and the Military

      Despite the stigma associated with their people, can Brazilians still enter the Military albeit under heavy scrutiny and discrimination by their peers? Gender-wise, how difficult would it be for them in terms of treatment?

      No. They have wide ranges of DNA and genomic maps for people of Brazilian heritage. They cannot hold any military or government position and cannot attend any public university, nor can they move beyond class I citizenship.

      5. Estêvão Volinski

      What can you tell me about this guy? I’m not sure if he’s even a ‘canonical’ character in PV since I’ve never encountered him in the main work and docus.

      He isn’t a canon character. I like having people do their own thing in the PV, but a half-Brazilian isn’t going to find much work outside of Cerberus, and no tolerance in any higher circles.

      6. Victor Manswell and Brazilians.

      Why did Victor M. choose the Brazilians instead to become a scapegoat for his grand plan to take over the world. Why not settle on the Islamic extremists that were rampant in that time instead?

      One, because the Arabs were all dead.

      Saudia Arabia and Israel are the ONLY extant governments from the entire region, and those countries are a pair of arcologies surrounded by radioactive ruins.

      There are less than eleven million people with Muslim backgrounds alive in 2180.

      Two, it wasn’t scapegoating.

      Scapegoating implies laying blame on someone for something they didn’t do…like Jews. Or using the excuse of some wrong doing, such as, say, calling them terrorists, to justify the execution of political enemies.

      Brazilians voted Ardiente into power and voted to keep him there and the elections were NOT rigged.

      7. The Final Solution to the Brazilian Question.

      Something that’s been bugging me, how come the Manswells, and perhaps even the Nobility, didn’t bother to enact the extermination of Brazilians from the face of the Earth? I mean, what’s the point of letting people no one gives any damn about, continue existing only for the purpose of torment. It seemed… sort of counterproductive to me if you ask.

      I think you’re laboring under a fundamental misunderstanding here.

      The point of Hitler’s idiotic Final Solution was the eradication of people — Jews, gays, Slovaks, Russians — who’d done absolutely NOTHING WRONG.

      The Brazilian people fought even AFTER Ardiente was dead. They cheered when billions were killed. They thought Ardiente was Jesus Returned and at the war crimes trials General Arutlecta openly stated he wished every non Brazilian on the planet would die because they were subhuman.

      There were no plots on his life by his people.
      Brazil was not destroyed to create a scapegoat.

      Brazil was destroyed because it had made the fucking Nazi’s look benevolent.

      Brazil was destroyed because the people of that nation for an entire generation were brainwashed to follow Ardiente, and could not and would not bow to non-Brazlians.

      To imply the … destruction of the Brazilian people was similar to the Holocaust is frankly somewhat disturbing.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

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