Godpower AKA Magic


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    • #660

      How powerful is that Godpower stuff, we keep hearing about?

      Is what Harbinger sprouting that crap – ‘you exist, because we allowed it’ true? In that regard, can he just say ‘fuck it’ and simply say to Shepard you die…and she can like a finger snap, die?

      We saw a few snapets of the Leviathans, whom could do repair damaged stuff, and then make it cease to exist. Can Harbinger pull-off that stuff?

      And…if their creators and they are so powerful – how come they fear the Darkness, like…well darkness…

      Why not just create a super-large black hole and let them all get sucked into there?

      And what kind of techno-sorcery is this – that one can simply flex his fingers and turn his entire city into a chicken-salad sandwich?

      (Plus, I think I found-out the reason, how Shepard was ressurected in canon-ME2)


      • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Mr.Green.
      • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Mr.Green.
    • #663


      (Or maybe this, if picture not showing)

    • #664
      Logical Premise


      How powerful is that Godpower stuff, we keep hearing about?

      It is basically the ability to affect higher dimensions than our own.

      We’re three dimensional creatures, moving along the ‘curve’ of the fourth dimension (time). A four dimensional creature could change things in any part of time the way we move around a room.

      Reapers can effect up to seven dimensions. Leviathans nine. The Darkness, all eleven.

      Godpower allows you to ‘break’ the laws of physics completely, alter the fundamental forces that make what we understand as realty, and worse. Unfortunately, all uses create ‘echos’ or ‘smells’ (there is no good language for the concept) which not only can be detected by other beings, but can themselves cause unwanted side effects.

      Some dimenions are ‘quieter’ to manipulate than others. Time manipulation is the loudest of them — even tiny changes would tear apart the cloaking field the Reapers have constructed.

      Is what Harbinger sprouting that crap – ‘you exist, because we allowed it’ true? In that regard, can he just say ‘fuck it’ and simply say to Shepard you die…and she can like a finger snap, die?

      Yes…to a degree. The Reapers prefer only to use the Godpower when they must, as their existence depends on not being discovered and every use is a risk. Nazara, in particular, did not see any organic as threat enough to bother.

      Using the Godpower requires the ability to perceive the chosen target, usually. It is possible to channel its effects, as Harbinger does through Collectors and Nazara through Saren and Benezia, but only a tiny fraction can get through.

      It is possible for Harbinger to annihilate Shepard and the entire Normandy with a single action, but such a thing would be … loud.

      We saw a few snapets of the Leviathans, whom could do repair damaged stuff, and then make it cease to exist. Can Harbinger pull-off that stuff?

      Yes. Leviathan and his kin are far more powerful than even Harbinger in terms of Godpower. One thing they do is … anchor … Shepard so that some of Harby’s Godpower tricks can’t just erase her from existence.

      And…if their creators and they are so powerful – how come they fear the Darkness, like…well darkness…

      Because the Darkness can manipulate ALL dimensional states. Even the old Ascended were as helpless before them en masse as a 3-D being would be against a 4-D being. The only counter was amassing enough sheer power to ‘overwhelm’ their ability to manipuate the godpower and attack them conventionally, but there were not enough Ascended to do such a thing.

      Why not just create a super-large black hole and let them all get sucked into there?

      When two beings each try to use Godpower, the stronger usually wins. The Ascended tried things like this in the Long War, only to find the Darkness was so fucked up and… different that they could literally walk right out of a black hole talking shit the entire time.

      A blackhole destroys anything in it…in three dimensions. To an eleven dimensional energy being, being thrown is one is about as damaging as you having a very sharp paper cut.

      And what kind of techno-sorcery is this – that one can simply flex his fingers and turn his entire city into a chicken-salad sandwich?

      That is exactly what it is. It is a mix of being able to see and affect other dimensions through a mix of natural abilities and phase-shift technology, as well as a few other things.

      Ultimately, the laws of physics cannot be BROKEN, only cheated. All energy has to come from somewhere, and every action has to have an opposite reaction in one way or another. The only understandable reason the Reapers act is to prevent young races from experimenting with the Godpower and attracting the Darkness. The main reason the Darkness acts…is harder to grasp.

      Ultimately, much like the Mythos, any use of Godpower is corrupting. Our species is simply not equipped with the mental structure, senses or intellect to understand eleven dimensional geometry. Most go fuck-all insane. The Reapers suffer from this greatly, the Leviathans to some degree, and the Black Leviathans are completely baked.

      The Darkness is beyond sanity, more akin to Azathoth than anything else in some ways. Whatever it used to be was broken in it’s translation to our reality, where it is so alien that it fucks up natural law just by existing.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

    • #665

      Ultimately, much like the Mythos, any use of Godpower is corrupting. Our species is simply not equipped with the mental structure, senses or intellect to understand eleven dimensional geometry. Most go fuck-all insane. The Reapers suffer from this greatly, the Leviathans to some degree, and the Black Leviathans are completely baked.

      The Darkness is beyond sanity, more akin to Azathoth than anything else in some ways. Whatever it used to be was broken in it’s translation to our reality, where it is so alien that it fucks up natural law just by existing.

      About going insane just from exposure to things like that part, the way I could actually imagine the horror of Lovecraftian shit was some post I read couple years back, but I can’t find it anywhere so I’ll share the thing I constructed in my mind after I read that. It made sense to me given my field of work and such, but feel free to call bullshit and correct.

      Imagine you are a rectangle inhabiting a place on an infinite plane. You’ve been a rectangle all your life, you’ve met some people who claimed they were deltoids, even though you could only see 2 sides at maximum at a time, some nice girls who claimed to be triangles, going about your merry life. You’ve even seen a circle that one time, your mother warned you not to stare but you just couldn’t keep yourself from doing it anyway.

      You are also a great scientist of your generation, you know of theories that make it possible things like pyramids and prisms exist, you’ve even met some lunatic who claims if prisms are possible great icosahedrons are too, and he can prove it, but you dismiss it as some lunatic’s ramblings.

      One day you take a trip to a location on this infinite plane you exist on because another lunatic claimed she found proof of three dimensions. You are immensely excited as a scientist of course and you make the journey and arrive at the location.

      As you can guess, things at that place are immensely fucked up as per H.P. Lovecraft’s eternal stories and LP’s struggle to meet those standards, and our lovely rectangle is exposed to a cross section of a human forearm in 2 dimensions; and all the shit that comes with it, the muscles in it, the arteries that feed them, the veins that drain them, two great white spots toward the center that capture your attention and just won’t let it go, the bones, oh our lord and savior Square, the bones.

      This is close to nothing to humans, I’ve seen 15~ cadavers with their arms cut open for students to see and memorize how shit is structured in medical school, dissected 1 myself for the purposes of education and I’m just an ordinary guy. But as a rectangle you exist on 2 dimensions, third one is just theories, and those theories feature neat shapes like yourself, cones, prisms, pyramids, whatever. Instead you are forced to see just a part of a being that simply exists on a higher plane, one you cannot possibly begin to comprehend even the smallest fraction of it. So you go insane, what else is there to do, your people are the rulers of 2 dimensions, and their arrogance led you to believe you were somehow important, you thought you actually mattered to the universe, when in fact you were just a tiny rectangle some guy drew in his notebook because he is too bored to listen to his teacher.

      That’s how I imagine in my mind how hilariously outclassed would we be for every dimension they have on us. That poor rectangle’s entire existence depends on if the bored student wants to erase it or not, if he wanted to he could make as if it had barely existed,and if he took special care, it would almost be like it never existed in the first place.

      I know a saying in my culture that goes similar to this: Elephants fight and horses die in the brawl, in the Reapers/Leviathans/Darkness’ case we don’t even make the horses cut, we’re the grass they are trampling on.

    • #666
      Logical Premise

      Ahmet, that was poetry. I would like it you wrote this up so I could put it in Fear Unrelenting as a new chapter.

      Chills. 😀

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

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