Commisar Files (NEW FILES IDEA!!!)

Home Forums Discussion about the Series Speculation and Suggestions Commisar Files (NEW FILES IDEA!!!)

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    • #917

      A lolz idea, that came to me, when I was re-reading the Cerberus Files.

      The idea hitting me, when I was reading about the Assessment Cade of the Commisars. And I was wondering, wouldn’t it be fun – to write the Commisar Files?

      To see, how the SA actually thinks about their ‘so-called’ heroes and leaders. And what dark-plot might have awaited them, if they failed in their tasks. Or what dark secrets, the Commisars have found out – that they believed were hidden.

      Mr. Green

    • #918
      Logical Premise

      It’s not a bad idea at all, but I don’t have the bandwidth to do it, considering all the other stuff I have going on right now.

      I have no problem with someone else taking a stab. Or even a round robin kind of thing.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

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