Brain Droppings 9

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    • #953

      That time of the week again, =3. Starting to slowly, peel away the layers of PremiseVerse and trying to find the Inusannon troll, behind this nonsense.


      1) Speculation: Executor Pallin

      So, I read that. This Venari Pallin is more badass, but still an ass.

      What gives me the question. Is that Pallin has contacts with all major races. Does that include humans; whose little people, want to skin a turian. And quarians?

      And how does the batarian law enforcement contact work? Since aren’t most batarians slaves under a Black Leviathan?


      2) Speculation: Preator

      Why can’t you give a Praetor shit? How tough, are these bastards – that even a Councilor, with their influence and power. Or an asari matriach, who can swat away frigates like flies – have to pay respect to Preators?


      3) Suggestion: Shepard vs Ahern; Round Two

      A minor payback duel, from upgraded!Shepard, against Ahern for the beatdown, in Pinnacle Station.

      With Shepard still getting her ass kicked, by Ahern. Ahern being in his usual Onyx Armor, having also utilized a canister of omni-gel and a tube of toothpaste. And a rubber varren, to beat Revenant!Shepard.

      For the lulz, and Vigil troll-moments. xD


      4) Speculation: No subtle turians?

      Okay, this struck me as confusing. Basically stating from Pel, that the average turian doesn’t know the world subtle. Or who looks at bush, and doesn’t understand the word of ‘hide in bush’.

      Is this for real? And why could only the Palavanus command this kind of ‘commands’?


      5) Speculation: War Crime Trials

      Are these still done in the PremiseVerse? Or are they more like sham trials – with sentences already carried, from behind the doors.

      In this case, I meant the marines and Shepard – who are fighting on the edge against Terminus pirates.

      As we have known in real-life, going ballistic on enemy combatants – even if they are enemies. Could end you with a court-martial, for conduct unbecoming?

      Does this happen in the PremiseVerse? OR are they simply shipped off to Cerberus or Penals?

    • #954

      I’m going to add a few questions.

      6) Human currency

      We know that Credit is the official e-currency of Citadel Space but does it extend to encompass the entirety of human economy and has it replaced Dollar, Euro, Pound Stirling on Earth?

      7) Salarian insurrection against the SIX

      What are the chances of a salarian civil war erupting before the arrival of the Reapers in the galaxy? From the files unveiled by Kasumi we know elements of asari clans and salarian SIX are angling to deprive the Thirty of their patsies, humanity, by engineering tensions between humans and asari.

      What if the Thirty turned the tables on the SIX and engineered a short, brutal(to the point of horrifying of the rest of the galaxy) uprising against the SIX by other elements of the Salarian Union(clans, families pretty much everyone but the big SIX gearing up and doing a fair impression of torches and pitchforks)?

      Given how insidious asari spies are I wouldn’t put it past them to be aware what Dalatrass Solus is plotting. The leak could come from asari Clans as gathered by asari inverted sleeper agents instead of someone on the salarian side spilling the beans.

      8) President Windsor making a come back like a boss

      How defanged is this guy really? I know his daughter has a cortex bomb but he never struck me as someone who would leave debts unpaid and scores unsettled.

      9) Does the SA posses the Office of Naval Intelligence or does the SAIS cover all their bases?

      Humans loves their Secretive agencies, does the SA have more in their cap than just the SAIS and Black outfits like Cerberus and later Hades? Or is everything rolled up into SAIS?

      10) IDK how well versed you’re with the Neon Genesis Evangelion but NGE had several pieces of interesting hardware

      One of such is the N2 mine

      Does the SA posses something like that or its equivalent to use on the surface of Earth or their colonies without risking fallout contamination or dust in the atmo after a kinetic bombardment?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Himura.
    • #980


      In regards to the tenth answer Himura – only one word: anti-matter.

    • #981

      Unless there’s more to it, the answer to #2 can be found in Cerberus Citadel Ch31:


      When it comes to total raging badasses in the goddamned galaxy, nothing tops a Praetor.

      They get their rank by going completely the fuck through ALL the military ranks to the very highest possible, something like Admiral of the Red or Lord General. Keep in mind that most people clawing up the meritocracy will get promotions that skip a few military ranks here and there – not these guys, they want to earn every rank. Same thing with the meritocracy – they won’t take more than one tier at a time.

      They get tested into their final meritocracy tier by passing a special Trial called the Trial Supreme that’s a double-dose mix of the ALL of the other trials, plus taking down a goddamned vakar unarmed and with no fucking armor.

      First, go read about the trials. Imagine doing all of that shit in one day. Then, you fight a vakar.

      Since Trelly skimped on the description, I’ll give it justice. It’s a mutated cross between a giant bear and a severely pissed off lion somebody tried to drown in eezo. More than ten feet long and almost seven feet tall, with plates six inches thick, claws two feet long and harder than iron, and a mouth that can bite a krogan in half. Spits poison up to thirty feet away. Oh, and it’s fucking biotic, too. Uses them to increase it’s speed. It has a ground running leap that can hit speeds of 110 MPH and over ninety feet.

      There’s footage of a pack of them tearing apart an armored column, batting a APC around like a cat playing with a oversized ball of yarn before peeling the thing open and eating everyone inside. More footage of three of them going after a turian reinforced patrol and killing half the spikes before they were brought down with lance cannon fire.

      When the turians found a thresher maw on a planned colony, their answer was to dump twenty of these things at it, which literally tore it to bits. It’s like the mascot of the turian people – it’s on their money, lots of curse words, hell, even some families (Halvakar, Vakarian, Vakarenthus) named themselves after it.

      Anyone who wants to be a Praetor fights one of these things.

      In single combat.

      On foot.

      With his fucking claws and wearing not a piece of goddamned armor.

      The only way to kill one without weapons or armor is … well, nuts. Somehow evade it’s spring and leap, and then do one of your own. Dodge it’s bites and claws, clamber up behind the thing, slash away at it’s tendons through the plating to hamstring it, then cut at it’s arteries and hope it bleeds out before it flings you away and tramples you into paste. A single hit will kill any turian trying it. Seen footage of that, instant blue chunky salsa.

      Bossman, remember the fucked up failed hit on Admiral Tharaxis that I bitched so much about when I found out? The one where a single turian in plain clothes killed an entire strike team of six Shadow Cell assassins by himself with a kitchen knife while lecturing to his kids on the best way to kill humans, then went right back to cooking breakfast? The one who sent us the fucking skulls of said assassins, painted with his Clan colors, carved into drinking cups with a crate of turian brandy, and a note saying ‘send more next time’?

      Yeah, that was a Praetor.

    • #985


      In regards to the tenth answer Himura – only one word: anti-matter.

      Debatable. There was this chapter in the first story where Shepard and Normandy take out Cerberus base and Harper sabotages the M/AM warheads – magnetic bottles – resulting in Florez and Richard Williams, among others, get a nice dose of hard rads.

      I always took it as to mean anti-matter presented a problem of contaminating area when used to trigger detonations.

    • #989

      I think its rather the energy that gets released from such an explosion.

      Like a supernova explosion, that releases all sorts of rays, beams and radiation – despite being simple hydrogen and iron.

      But…I think we still need the main man here, to answer the questions.

    • #993
      Logical Premise

      6) Human currency

      We know that Credit is the official e-currency of Citadel Space but does it extend to encompass the entirety of human economy and has it replaced Dollar, Euro, Pound Stirling on Earth?

      The galactic credit is based on the HE3 exchanges and several other critical elements. A snippet in TCF: Systems Alliance goes into more detail:

      More disturbing is the larger issue – with no central bank and no fixed exchange rates (since the dollar index is based on highly volatile pricing for eezo and HE3), the SA’s foreign markets and exchange rates are held hostage to the galactic economy and the strength of the Citadel Credit. To put it plainly, investors in the SA can manipulate lags in price differentials between the SA index and the short-term rate of inflation in the Citadel Credit to make artificial price spreads. Since the SA can’t set interest rates and the noble house banks rarely cooperate in any coherent manner, regional differences literally allow asari investors to pick and choose where to invest for the best result.

      7) Salarian insurrection against the SIX

      What are the chances of a salarian civil war erupting before the arrival of the Reapers in the galaxy?

      “Civil War” would be too strong a term. There would be a quiet series of assassinations designed as natural deaths, some economic internal sabotage, and then puppet heads of the SIX would be put into place and the STG would be calling the actual shots.

      The average salarian wouldn’t even know the difference. The chances of it…unknown right now. If it did happen it would be after the SIX demonstrated incompetence in some manner.

      8) President Windsor making a come back like a boss

      How defanged is this guy really? I know his daughter has a cortex bomb but he never struck me as someone who would leave debts unpaid and scores unsettled.

      *whistles innocently*

      9) Does the SA posses the Office of Naval Intelligence or does the SAIS cover all their bases?

      Humans loves their Secretive agencies, does the SA have more in their cap than just the SAIS and Black outfits like Cerberus and later Hades? Or is everything rolled up into SAIS?

      Both the Marines and Naval Forces have external-facing intelligence agencies, but these are very tightly focused and defer to the AIS in almost everything.

      Remember, the military was carefully designed by Maxwell Manswell to not be a threat to the High Lords, and they retain control over the AIS for the most part. Having focused technical agents working on figuring out salarian software is fine, but having independent agencies capable of poking about is not.

      10) Does the SA posses something like that or its equivalent to use on the surface of Earth or their colonies without risking fallout contamination or dust in the atmo after a kinetic bombardment?

      Not really. Earth’s biosphere is so damaged (by global warming, radioactive fallout, heat pollution, chemical pollution and the like) that such action would be counterproductive. With the colonies, it’s pretty much seen as overkill.

      They do have M/AM mines, and the Commissariat even has lower yield versions designed for chastisment, but these are almost never used. The Commissariat’s thinking is that such weapons are simply too impersonal to generate true terror. They prefer purges to be up close, personal, and involving fire and screaming.

      The High Lords are not concerned one way or another about such things, and you can bet your bottom dollar every single arcology has such mines planted near the arcology’s reactor district. In the event of a catostrophic revolt or some such they could blow these and claim it was a ‘tragic reactor failure’ event.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

    • #994
      Logical Premise

      And how does the batarian law enforcement contact work? Since aren’t most batarians slaves under a Black Leviathan?

      The Dark Gods typically don’t bother ‘dominating’ anyone except the Imperial Family, who they have modified over the years.

      Batarian police are basically SIU units used to maintain good order. ‘Crime’ is slightly different in batarian terms, the only crimes are property crimes and defiance to the Emperor. ‘Rape’ is a concept they don’t have a word for, and interpersonal conflict (murder) is considered defiance to the Emperor.

      The only penalties in batarian culture are slavery and death. This makes their legal system quite simple.

      2) Speculation: Preator

      Why can’t you give a Praetor shit? How tough, are these bastards – that even a Councilor, with their influence and power. Or an asari matriach, who can swat away frigates like flies – have to pay respect to Preators?

      During the Krogan Rebellions,a Praetor stormed a krogan stronghold on foot, armed with a single pistol and his ancestral axe. He slaughtered nineteen krogan in single combat before declaring them mewling weaklings.

      You do the math.

      4) Speculation: No subtle turians?

      Okay, this struck me as confusing. Basically stating from Pel, that the average turian doesn’t know the world subtle. Or who looks at bush, and doesn’t understand the word of ‘hide in bush’.

      Is this for real? And why could only the Palavanus command this kind of ‘commands’?

      Because, as stated, the turians have been culturally programmed to act that way.

      Ambush tactics are often seen as dishonorable except against unthinking animals.

      That isn’t to say ALL Turians are completely incapable. Its just that the vast majority would never bother to think of such a thing. A turian surrounded by angry yahg who could still find a way to escape would not be averse to hiding like a bitch.

      5) Speculation: War Crime Trials

      Are these still done in the PremiseVerse? Or are they more like sham trials – with sentences already carried, from behind the doors.

      I’m astonished you even have to ask this. About the only people who would have ‘fair’ trials would be the elcor, and that’s if you didn’t bribe the Lifemaster with good drugs.

      Purge the alien. Kill the heretic. Suffer not the witch to live.

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