Sort of covering old ground, but also tying things together.
Note: There is only so much bullshit I can tolerate from a game. When you have a bridge over a river blown out from under you causing complete squad wipe, that threshold has been reached.
If X-COM 2 had a CD I would have eaten it by now. 😀
Hey, we all asked for more building destruction, Firaxis complied.
That said, Jake Solomon clearly truly does subsist on the tears of gamers.
And it is BS like that that made me quite the first game. Well done sure, but like you, there’s only so much shit I can accept before the game becomes more trouble then it’s worth.
“Snickers and bowls in evil laughter”
Loved the interviews, but don’t stop dying horribly in X-Com 2, the post are way to enjoyable for that 😛