Thanks to Katkiller-V, my stories now have their own page on TV Tropes, if you’re interested in editing (or reading) that kind of thing.
It will be interesting to see how people break it down.
Thanks to Katkiller-V, my stories now have their own page on TV Tropes, if you’re interested in editing (or reading) that kind of thing.
It will be interesting to see how people break it down.
He’s done a great favour to the PremiseVerse, but aren’t you worried that this might lead to spoilers for those who haven’t read OSABC entirely yet?
Not really. I think if people want to be spoiled they will be 😀
I posted a lot of about Olde Ones (under spoilers). Also, Ahern is a Four-Star Badass.
I see! thank you
I’ve just updated it again. Two Wham Episodes were mentioned (under spoilers), information about BFGsand Mini-Mecha was posted. Also, in YMMV two Moral Event Horizons (one is under spoiler) and examples of the Nightmare Fuel appeared.
I’ve just updated it again. Two Wham Episodes were mentioned (under spoilers), an information about BFGs and Mini-Mechas was posted. Also, in YMMV two Moral Event Horizons (one is under spoiler) and examples of the Nightmare Fuel appeared.
Also, there will a lot of work to write all of Shout-Outs.
Gambit Pileup should be added.